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aurora linnea

Beneath the world-destroying violence of male dominion, a morbid terror churns. Man’s is a Kingdom of Fear, and madness reigns, for what has men so spooked is something they cannot run from: their own bodies. 

The ruling fathers have historically reacted to this predicament by scorning biological material reality and chasing after the consolations of domination, delusional transcendence, and, when desperation sets in, revenge against the rejected real world. 

Man Against Being traces body horror as the through line that unifies manmade society’s hallmark oppressions and atrocities. Moving from the mind/body separation that is patriarchal doctrine’s starting point to the brutal subjugation of all creatures scapegoated as bad bodies so men can play at being pure minds, from ‘born in the wrong body’ to the transhumanists' dreamt-of ascent into bodiless virtuality. 

Drawing on a holistic ecofeminist analysis of male dominion’s cascading devastations, aurora linnea argues with poetic insight that, if men are determined to do away with bodies and biological life, the antidote to patriarchy’s apocalyptic charter must necessarily involve a return to the flesh and blood of matter, a reintegration of body and mind and living earth. 

5 NOVEMBER 2024 | ISBN 9781922964120 | Paperback | 320 pages | 152mm x 228mm


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Statement from Spinifex Press


Men’s rights are alive and well in India.

We have been subject to a mass outpouring from Men’s Rights Activists who have targeted Usha Akella’s book I Will Not Bear You Sons and placing one star reviews on the Amazon India website and other sites in protest of its publication.

MRAs have taken exception to a line quoted in online book reviews (regarding aborting male fetuses) and have not looked at the poem in its full context. If they had looked at the context, it is the speaking character answering her tyrannical father-in-law who wants the speaker to have only sons.

Usha’s poetry is brave and brilliant. We stand behind this book and trust you will too.