Betty McLellan
Betty McLellan is a feminist ethicist and psychotherapist with over 20 years experience, and is the author of bestselling feminist self-help book Help! I'm Living with a Man Boy, which has been translated into 16 languages. She is also the author of Overcoming Anxiety, Beyond Psychoppression, My (Un) Remarkable Grandmother Ann Hannah, and Unspeakable: A feminist ethic of speech. With a focus on both the personal and political, Betty successfully combines her work as a psychotherapist with a broader emphasis on feminist ethical analysis and activism. She lives in Townsville, North Queensland.
Help! I'm Living with a (Man) Boy by Betty McLellan
German: Hilfe! ich lebe mit einem KindMann: Orlanda;
Spanish: Socorro: Estoy viviendo con un hombre niño;
Greek: Γιατι: οι Αντρεσ μενουν Παντα Παιδια: EkdoseisFytraki;
Italian: Aiuto! Vivo con un uomo ragazzo Baldini;
Turkish: Imdat! Bir Adamla Çocukula Yasiyorum: Okitaplar;
Japanese: Tuttle Mori;
Slovenia: Na Pomoci! Moj Moski je Fantek;
Latvian: Paliga! Es Dzivoju ar Virieti puíselí;
Polish: Pomocy! zyje z mezczyzna chlopcem: Wydawnictwo Czarna Owca;
Estonian: Appi! elan mehega poisitesega: Ftänapäev;
(Korean: Dulnyak Publishing);
Vietnamese: Khi chàng khong nhu ban mong muon;
(Arabic: Dar Al-Farouk for Cultural Investments S.A.E);
(Russian: Projex International, 2004:
RussianCentrepoligraf Publishing, 2009).
Beyond Psychoppression by Betty McLellan
German: Lust auf Glück, Frauenoffensive.