Judy Horacek
Judy Horacek is one of Australia's well-known cartoonists, and a writer. She has been widely published both in Australia and overseas. Her cartoons are found on fridges and toilet doors throughout the world and her work has appeared in The Australian, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and numerous magazines, journals and books.
Six collections of her work have been published. Horacek's cartoons appear on greeting cards, teatowels, t-shirts, aprons, mugs and fridge magnets and she also makes limited edition prints, and runs a website full of cartoons.
Her other books include: Unrequited Love (1994), Woman with Altitude (1997, 1998), Lost in Space (1998), If the fruit fits (1999), Reading Magic: How Your Child Can Learn to Read Before School and Other Read-Aloud Miracles (2001), I am woman, hear me draw (2002), Where Is the Green Sheep? (2005) and The story of Growl (2008).