Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed


Diane Bell

Renate Klein

Since the 1960s radical feminists have worked to articulate a vision of the world in which all women are safe and are acknowledged as human beings in their own right. Their projects include Take Back the Night campaigns, establishing women’s refuges, rape crisis centres, health centres, organising against pornography and developing courses in Women’s Studies. The richness of the practice and the theory of radical feminism is often misrepresented or unknown. Radically Speaking tells this important story.

1996 | ISBN 9781875559381 | Paperback | 242 x 176 mm | 654 pp


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Diane Bell

Renate Klein

Since the 1960s radical feminists have worked to articulate a vision of the world in which all women are safe and are acknowledged as human beings in their own right. Their projects include Take Back the Night campaigns, establishing women’s refuges, rape crisis centres, health centres, organising against pornography and developing courses in Women’s Studies. The richness of the practice and the theory of radical feminism is often misrepresented or unknown. Radically Speaking tells this important story.

1996 | ISBN 9781875559381 | Paperback | 242 x 176 mm | 654 pp


Diane Bell

Renate Klein

Since the 1960s radical feminists have worked to articulate a vision of the world in which all women are safe and are acknowledged as human beings in their own right. Their projects include Take Back the Night campaigns, establishing women’s refuges, rape crisis centres, health centres, organising against pornography and developing courses in Women’s Studies. The richness of the practice and the theory of radical feminism is often misrepresented or unknown. Radically Speaking tells this important story.

1996 | ISBN 9781875559381 | Paperback | 242 x 176 mm | 654 pp



'Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed is the book we've all been waiting for. It is an incredibly powerful collection of articles by radical feminists about radical feminism.’ 

–Women's Studies International Forum

'This remarkable volume of 70 feminist voices, distinguished by their continuity through time, global reach, politics of engagement and passionate determination to create a better world for women, is important reading for women's studies, gender and development, and cultural studies.’ 

–Women Ink

'This is a rich and varied volume, with essays that re-establish that the insights of radical feminism are really the most radical thing still around, no matter how much lingo is slung around, no matter how many acts of transgression are flaunted... The essays are well chosen for their thoughtfulness, incisiveness, and scope. It is a book well worth purchasing... it should be a mandatory book for women’s studies classes, both as an antidote to the hegemony of postmodernism throughout academia today, and in its own right as a collection of essays by critical, incisive, and clear radical thinkers on topics which are of critical importance during this period of pervasive and insidious backlash against feminism.’ 

–Karla MantillaOff Our Backs

'"Post feminist era be damned” could be the tag line for this collection.'

–Ms Magazine

Table of Contents


Monster Robin Morgan


Beware: Radical Feminists Speak, Read, Write, Organise, Enjoy Life, and Never Forget Diane Bell and Renate Klein

Section 1: Speaking Radically

Women of all Nations Inés Talamantez

Light Bulbs, Radishes, and the Politics of the 21st Century Robin Morgan

Radical Feminism: History, Politics, Action Robyn Rowland and Renate Klein

Experience, Reflection, Judgment and Action: Teaching Theory, Talking Community Joy James

From Practice to Theory, or What is a White Woman Anyway? Catharine A.MacKinnon

Maori-Lesbian-Feminist Radical Ngahuia Te Awekotuku

Enabling a Visible Black Lesbian Presence in Academia: A Radically Reasonable Request Angela Bowen

Working-Class Radical Feminism: Lives Beyond the Text Pat Mahony and Christine Zmroczek

Politics of Intimacy: Heterosexuality, Love and Power Robyn Rowland

The Great Incest Hijack Louise Armstrong

Therapy and How it Undermines the Practice of Radical Feminism Celia Kitzinger

The Personal is Political Jocelynne A.Scutt

Looking for God in All the Wrong Places: Feminists Seeking the Radical Questions in Religion Morny Joy

The Narrow Bridge of Art and Politics Suzanne Bellamy

Take Your Pageant and Shove It Angela Bowen

Section Two: Radical Feminists Under Attack
The Posse Rides Again Marcia Ann Gillespie

“Misguided, Dangerous and Wrong”: On the Maligning of Radical Feminism Diane Richardson

On Who is Calling Radical Feminists “Cultural Feminists” and Other Historical Sleights of Hand Tania Lienert

A (Political) Postcard from a Peripheral Pre-Post-modern State (of Mind) or How Alliteration and Parentheses can Knock you down Dead in Women’s Studies Ailbhe Smyth

Repackaging Women and Feminism: Taking the Heat Off Patriarchy Victoria Robinson and Diane Richardson

Deconstructing Deconstructionism (or, Whatever Happened to Feminist Studies?) Kathleen Barry

“Generation X”, the “Third Wave”, or Just Plain Radical: Reviewing the Reviewers of Catharine MacKinnon’s 'Only Words' Deirdre Carraher, Sharon Cox, Elizabeth Daake, Michele Gagne, Patricia Good, Jessie McManmon, and Marjorie O’Connor

Dworkin on Dworkin Andrea Dworkin

Statement on Canadian Customs and Legal Approaches to Pornography Catharine A.MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin

Stranger than Fiction: The Backlash on Campus at the University of Victoria Ellen Travis

Connecting Reproductive and Sexual Liberalism Janice G.Raymond

Speaking of Things that Shouldn’t be Written: Cross-cultural Excursions into the Land of Misrepresentations Diane Bell

Educational Research De-Radicalized: A Warning from Germany Uta Enders-Dragässer and Brigitte Sellach

The Banned Professor or, How Radical Feminism Saved Me from Men Trapped in Men’s Bodies and Female Impersonators, with a Little Help from my Friends Pauline Bart

The Last Post for Feminism Sandra Coney

Section Three: Radical Feminists “Interrogate” Post-modernism

Deconstructing Fashion Susan Hawthorne

(Re)turning to the Modern: Radical Feminism and the Postmodern Turn Kristin Waters

Nothing Mat(t)ers Somer Brodribb

The Race for Theory Barbara Christian

The Disembodied Worldview of Deconstructive Post-modernism Charlene Spretnak

The Self-contradiction of “Post-modernist” Feminism Denise Thompson

Post-modernism and its “Contribution” to Ending Violence Against Women Katja Mikhailovich

(Dead) Bodies Floating in Cyberspace: Post-modernism and the Dismemberment of Women Renate Klein

Return to Gender: Post-modernism and Lesbianandgay Theory Sheila Jeffreys

The Queer Backlash Sue Wilkinson and Celia Kitzinger

“French Feminism”: An Imperialist Invention Christine Delphy

The Pernicious Effect of Post-structuralism on Women’s History Joan Hoff

Withdrawing her Energy Somer Brodribb

I’ll Take the Low Road: A Look at Contemporary Feminist Theory Carol Anne Douglas

Section Four: Refusing to be Silenced

Selling a Feminist Agenda on a Conservative Market: The Awakening Experience in Taiwan Yenlin Ku

US Pornography Invades South Africa Diana Russell

The Past is the Present: Thoughts from the New South Africa Teboho E.Maitse

Freedom and Democracy: Russian Male Style Tatyana Mamonova

Pornography and the Global Sexual Exploitation of Women Kathleen Barry

Femicide: A Framework for Understanding Genocide Natalie Nenadic

Truth versus Loyalty Evelyne Accad

Through the Smoke We Remember: Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Marjorie Agosín

The Market Place of Ideas Evelina Giobbe

Section Five: Feminism Reclaimed

From Theories of Indifference to a Wild Politics Susan Hawthorne

Declaración de Propósito/Mission Statement Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center/Centro Contra la Violación

Common Language: Different Cultures Powhiri Rika-Heke and Sigrid Markmann

Our Health Project Nganampa Health Council

Declaration of People’s Perspectives on “Population” Symposium UBINIG

Towards Global Feminism: A Muslim Perspective Mahnaz Afkhami

Surfing the Edge of the Alphabet Cathie Dunsford, Beryl Fletcher, Susan Sayer

A Feminist University: The Thrill and Challenges, Conflicts and Rewards of Trying to Establish an Alternative Education Berit As

Taking Ourselves Seriously Jalna Hanmer

The Witches Return: Patriarchy on Trial Mary Daly

The Burying of Hughes Robyn Rowland

A Po-mo Quiz 


Notes on Contributors


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Other editions

Radically Speaking has also been translated into Taiwanese