Penile Imperialism: The Male Sex Right and Women’s Subordination | The Industry of Prostitution: Warehousing Women for Men’s Use (PDF Chapter 3)


Sheila Jeffreys

In this chapter, Sheila Jeffreys examines the structures and mechanisms by which the societies of male domination ensure the availability of women and girls to men for the expression of the male sex right, concentrating on the industry of prostitution in the West. She will look at the way in which pimp states organise and provide prostitution to their male citizens through permissive legislation and toleration or through state regulation. Jeffreys will consider the scope of the industry and delineate its harms.

The chapter will also include the ways in which the exchange of women for sexual use underpins the governments, diplomacy and industry of male domination through ‘sex parties’ hosted by heads of state and tycoons.

52 pages | 776 KB

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Sheila Jeffreys

In this chapter, Sheila Jeffreys examines the structures and mechanisms by which the societies of male domination ensure the availability of women and girls to men for the expression of the male sex right, concentrating on the industry of prostitution in the West. She will look at the way in which pimp states organise and provide prostitution to their male citizens through permissive legislation and toleration or through state regulation. Jeffreys will consider the scope of the industry and delineate its harms.

The chapter will also include the ways in which the exchange of women for sexual use underpins the governments, diplomacy and industry of male domination through ‘sex parties’ hosted by heads of state and tycoons.

52 pages | 776 KB

Sheila Jeffreys

In this chapter, Sheila Jeffreys examines the structures and mechanisms by which the societies of male domination ensure the availability of women and girls to men for the expression of the male sex right, concentrating on the industry of prostitution in the West. She will look at the way in which pimp states organise and provide prostitution to their male citizens through permissive legislation and toleration or through state regulation. Jeffreys will consider the scope of the industry and delineate its harms.

The chapter will also include the ways in which the exchange of women for sexual use underpins the governments, diplomacy and industry of male domination through ‘sex parties’ hosted by heads of state and tycoons.

52 pages | 776 KB