Haifa Fragments


khulud khamis

Jewellery designer Maisoon wants an ordinary extraordinary life, which isn’t easy for a tradition-defying, activist, Palestinian citizen of Israel who refuses to be crushed by the feeling of being an unwelcome guest in the land of her ancestors. Frustrated by the apathy of her boyfriend Ziyad and her father Majid—who want her to get on with her life and forget those in the Occupied Territories—she lashes out, only to discover her father isn’t the man she thought he was.

Raised a Christian, in a relationship with a Muslim man and enamoured with a Palestinian woman from the Occupied Territories, Maisoon must determine her own path.

2015 | 9781742199009 | Paperback | 210 x 148 mm | 190 pages

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khulud khamis

Jewellery designer Maisoon wants an ordinary extraordinary life, which isn’t easy for a tradition-defying, activist, Palestinian citizen of Israel who refuses to be crushed by the feeling of being an unwelcome guest in the land of her ancestors. Frustrated by the apathy of her boyfriend Ziyad and her father Majid—who want her to get on with her life and forget those in the Occupied Territories—she lashes out, only to discover her father isn’t the man she thought he was.

Raised a Christian, in a relationship with a Muslim man and enamoured with a Palestinian woman from the Occupied Territories, Maisoon must determine her own path.

2015 | 9781742199009 | Paperback | 210 x 148 mm | 190 pages

eBook Available

For more paperback copies, please visit IPG Book in the US or Gazelle Book Services in the UK



khulud khamis

Jewellery designer Maisoon wants an ordinary extraordinary life, which isn’t easy for a tradition-defying, activist, Palestinian citizen of Israel who refuses to be crushed by the feeling of being an unwelcome guest in the land of her ancestors. Frustrated by the apathy of her boyfriend Ziyad and her father Majid—who want her to get on with her life and forget those in the Occupied Territories—she lashes out, only to discover her father isn’t the man she thought he was.

Raised a Christian, in a relationship with a Muslim man and enamoured with a Palestinian woman from the Occupied Territories, Maisoon must determine her own path.

2015 | 9781742199009 | Paperback | 210 x 148 mm | 190 pages

eBook Available

For more paperback copies, please visit IPG Book in the US or Gazelle Book Services in the UK




With her debut novel Haifa Fragments, Palestinian Slovakian writer khulud khamis pens a compulsive narrative that examines the complex of nationality, gender, sexuality, religion and culture in Palestine.

—Peter CherryThe Electronic Intifada

Haifa Fragments is not really an activist novel. Not at all. It’s a series of beautifully sketched love stories...But etched through these love stories are also arguments around politics, nationalism and injustice.

—Amanda HickeyVerity La

The work is contemporary and those who are familiar with the political background would be able to place events that are alluded to, but this vibrant novel is completely open to those with little or no knowledge of Palestinian history.

—Selma DabbaghMascara Literary Review

Haifa Fragments is a book of hope, delusion, and pain; it is a most welcome addition to Palestinian literature, especially as it sheds light on subjects often considered taboo. It must be read by anyone who wants to understand the social and cultural mechanism of a fragmented society that lives under several layers of oppression, both old and new.

—Mahmoud MunaThis Week in Palestine

Haifa Fragments is a new novel by Khulud Khamis that explores the life of a Palestinian citizen of Israel who refuses to be crushed by the feeling that she is an unwelcome guest in the land of her ancestors.

—Chris BrazierNew Internationalist Magazine

Although the novel is low-key and subtle when it comes to conflict, one anticipates danger at every turn of the page, as if there were a ticking time bomb in the background waiting to explode and implode on all the characters’ lives.

—Rana AsfourBookfabulous

Khamis offers no easy answers but her focus on the shared humanity of Christians, Jews and Muslims in the region is compelling.

—Lucy PopescuThe Independent

Whilst the narrative doesn’t shy away from a discussion of the misery of the condition of Palestinians living in poverty on the West Bank, it approaches the lives of the characters in a positive way and enables them to achieve positive outcomes in their work and personal lives.

—Anna CouaniRochford Street Review

But Haifa Fragments is a special book, a novel set as the title suggests in Haifa, a city where I spent time a while back, on a subject that has been dear to my heart for over a quarter of a century.

—Sara Dowse

Khamis is able to tell a narrative combining continuing anger over the past and present treatment of Arabs by Israelis with a story of Jew and Arab friendship.

—M.D.BradyMe, You, and Books

khulud khamis unpacks the multiple layers of culture, religion, sexuality, politics, feminism and nationalism in the hope of gathering the fragmented pieces of the past and reclaiming the lost contiguity of being Palestinian.

—Samah Sabawi, Palestinian playwright and commentator

 khulud gives us a chance to live beyond ourselves, to say exiled words so our very lips form new possibilities … A most important work, one that will change every reader.

—Joan Nestle, author of A Restricted Country

A beautiful story of intertwined cultures and relationships with the rhythm of hope, mixed with the creative drive for life, justice, meaning and love. 

—Alex Nissen, feminist peace activist

khulud khamis has the rare gift of speaking directly to a reader’s soul: her language is lyrical and wise.

—Sharon Olinka, author of The Good City