Far and Beyon'


Unity Dow

For Mara, mother of four, and sole provider for her family, life has never been easy. In her community women carry a heavy burden as the world changes around them. In Botswana the tensions are growing as young people attempt to resolve the magicks of tradition with the technologies of now.

2001 | ISBN 9781876756079 | Paperback | 217 x 138 mm | 199 pp

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Unity Dow

For Mara, mother of four, and sole provider for her family, life has never been easy. In her community women carry a heavy burden as the world changes around them. In Botswana the tensions are growing as young people attempt to resolve the magicks of tradition with the technologies of now.

2001 | ISBN 9781876756079 | Paperback | 217 x 138 mm | 199 pp

Unity Dow

For Mara, mother of four, and sole provider for her family, life has never been easy. In her community women carry a heavy burden as the world changes around them. In Botswana the tensions are growing as young people attempt to resolve the magicks of tradition with the technologies of now.

2001 | ISBN 9781876756079 | Paperback | 217 x 138 mm | 199 pp


Dow writes this world the way men and women in her country sing – with a zest fed by connection to the earth and to a shared past … The High Court Judge is an astute diagnostician of the ills – social, biological and political – of her country, and of Africa in general. With this book she will help to change things.

–Morag FraserThe Age

To read Far and Beyon’ is to take a trip to Africa in the hands of a knowledgeable guide, who understands your world as well as knowing her own territory backwards.

–Keren LavelleGood Reading

I strongly recommend this book, especially to those interested in post-colonial Africa and in the need to be selective in choosing which practices from another culture to accept.

–Me, You, and Books

Unity Dow has couched weighty issues into a very readable and life-affirming novel, accessible to the young adult reader and unforgettable to older readers who might have thought they knew most of what goes on in our world.

–Moira RichardsWomen Writers