Coleen Clare launch speech for Lesbian: politics, culture, existence
Coleen Clare launched Susan Hawthorne’s new book - Lesbian: politics, culture, existence on 17 September 2024. She shares her launch speech with us.
Ariel Salleh launch speech for The Nature of Nature
Ariel Salleh shares her launch speech for Vandana Shiva's new book The Nature of Nature. You can watch the full launch on our YouTube channel.
Lucy Sussex launch speech for O Sister Swallow
A beautifully written launch speech from Lucy Sussex to celebrate the release of Suniti Namjoshi’s book O Sister Swallow. You can watch the full launch on our YouTube channel.
Robyn Rowland launch speech for Harvesting Darkness
Robyn Rowland’s launch speech for Robin Morgan’s new book of poetry, Harvesting Darkness.
Transgender Body Politics Launch speech by Bronwyn Winter
But the rapidity with which the transgender lobby has risen to a position of political influence and the number and enormity of consequences for women have forced me, albeit kicking and screaming, into taking up this discussion. Heather also perhaps: she tells in her book’s prologue of having “stumbled” into researching and writing on it by accident.
Born Still Launch speech by Petra Bueskens
Born Still is a very special kind of memoir. It is, as Janet informs us in the opening pages, a political memoir – in which “the personal” – specifically, Janet’s life -- has been rendered so political, by virtue of its disruptive place in institutional systems of power and governance, as to have implications for the law and social practice -- in particular, in relation to home birth and independent midwifery.
Making Trouble: Tongued with Fire: notes from the launch
Joanna Murray-Smith, playwright, talks about Sue Ingleton's new book: Making Trouble (Tongued with Fire).